Advance My Company With Smart Solutions:

LU-2260-N-7, 2260W-7

High-Speed, 2-Needle, Unison-Feed, Lockstitch Machine with Vertical-Axis Large Hooks
LU-2260N-7 (1.5 Fold-Capacity Hook)
LU-2260W-7 (Double-Capacity Hook)

The vertical strokes of the presser foot and walking foot machine (their alternating vertical movement) can be easily changed using a large dial mounted on the top surface of the machine head. In addition, the sewing speed is automatically adjusted with the set value. With this feature, ideal sewing conditions are maintained at all times.

Capabilities for sewing car seats have been significantly improved using our compound feed mechanism. 

Higher lift of the presser foot

The machine is provided as standard with a pneumatic auto-lifter.

The high, 16mm presser foot lift enables easy material handling.

The walking foot and presser foot's alternating vertical movement can be set and changed with ease

The vertical strokes of the presser foot and walking foot (alternating vertical movement) can be easily changed using a large dial mounted on the top surface of the machine head.

In addition, the sewing speed is automatically adjusted with the set value. With this feature, ideal sewing conditions are maintained at all times.

The highly efficient vertical-axis 1.6 fold-capacity hook is provided as standard

With the adoption of this vertical-axis 1.6 fold-capacity hooks, the frequency of bobbin thread winding is reduced, promising sewing work of increased efficiency.

Instantaneous change-over device for the alternate vertical movement amount (DL device) is provided as standard

The alternate vertical movement amount can be instantaneously maximized in a process for sewing a hard-to-feed part of the material, such as a multilayered part, finishing with beautiful seams free from stitch gathering.

The machine is provided with both a hand switch and a knee switch.
